Friday, December 17, 2010


ayer mire en ti
a un desconocido
tus ojos no son los mismos
vi tristeza,
dolor, angustia,
hambre, soledad,
y frio...
si se te antoja
un hombro
donde descansar
tu angustia
estoy aqui

Thursday, December 16, 2010


de beberme el sol cada mañana
de respirar la brisa en mi ventana
de besar con mis dedos tus cabellos
y acariciar tu cuerpo con mi alma...
voy zigzageando por la vida
sin tener un rumbo definido
y bebo un poco más de la mañana
y respiro una vez más en mi ventana
a ver si así mas ebria yo consigo
terminar de tumbarme y asi te olvido
ó sumergirme en las aguas de tu río.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Joggling Ethics in a Diversified World

"Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr., American Author

We are faced with decision-making hundreds of times in any given day. Small decisions, big ones, no matter the size, we will make a choice based on the little voices inside our mind. The ones that suggest doing what is right and the ones that scream “go for what you truly want to do”.
How many times have you faced those voices? This battle goes on inside your head, between you and yourself. Nobody else is there but you. What factors are influencing your decision-making? The way your parents raised you, the wonderful education in a private school, the special teacher you silently admire, and your religious or moral beliefs, all play a part in the battle. The fear of consequences, the rules and regulations, and your own code of ethics are also an important factor that plays a role in your choices. One of the questions we must ask is, what comes first, our sense of ethics, or the set of artificial rules that man creates to set the guidelines for what is acceptable or unacceptable? Because we grow up in a family that has its own moral views, family traits, culture and social structure, it is logical to think that we build up our own sense of right and wrong from the instruction we received in the family nucleus. However, born in a family that embraces a strong sense of ethics is not in any way a guarantee that a child will become as wise as them.
There are other factors that shape our character, thus helping us in the process of decision-making. Formal education, environment, culture and individual experiences play a role in the way we think and behave. Furthermore, what is acceptable or unacceptable, legal or illegal, moral or immoral varies from culture to culture. Who can then determine what is right and what is wrong? What gives us the right to decide that our way is the correct way?
The business environment sets their own regulations and limits in an attempt to control employee’s behavior within the context of the workplace. However, having a set of rules or laws does not mean people will respect them. At the end each individual is in charge of his choices.
There are many questions in my head that I hope to clarify in this class. The one thing I have clear is this: there is not a separation line between who we are at work and who we are as individuals.

It is done

And now let's sat and wait
let's hear the clock, tic tac
one day goes by, tic tac
just wait and smile...

La miel

sobre los labios
es igual que tu,
dulce y meloso...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Estas Aqui

En el aire que respiro
y en el sol que me acaricia...
en el sonido del agua
que cae en la cascada..
aun siento tu perfume barato
entremesclado con tu escencia
de hombre macho...
tu voz profunda entremesclada
con voces y palabras
que no recuerdo pues no escuchaba
los sentidos concentrados en olores y sonidos
imperceptibles, conocidos solo
por la percepcion humana

de que carajo estoy hablando?
ni yo misma lo se!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Voy por la vida
dibujando tu nombre
en el papel
...donde estas?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


si pudieras asomarte
en la ventana del futuro
y observar callado
como en una bola de cristal
los resultados
de tus acciones del presente
serias tan sabio
como Salomon...
muchos de nosotros
pasamos por la misma encrucijada
y cada uno siguio su propio rumbo...
Es cuando nos rasgamos las rodillas
o nos caemos bien al fondo
cuando realmente adquirimos
algo parecido a la sabiduria:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Man and The Lawyer

One day God created Adam
And from his rib he molded Eve
He gave His new children
A place call Eden…
Then He went to rest...
Mean time, Satan was filled
With anger and jealousy
And he thought
“How can I mess up the creation?”
Then he created a lawyer!

(There are rumors that the first lawyer was shaped in the form of a snake!)

Donde Estas?

Perdido entre el mar de gente
ó en la soledad de tu cuarto
caminando por las calles
vas contando tus pasos...
Cambia tu direccion
vuelve los pasos andados
regresa al hoy y al aqui
y trata de empezar de nuevo!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Entre Tu y Yo

Aqui entre tu y yo
te confieso que me da miedo
el que diran
la oscuridad
las alturas
el exceso de gente
la falta de creatividad

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Baño de sol

El sol me pega en la cara
como la realidad del dia
me despierta y me hace ver
los colores reales de la vida
que tibio se siente sobre mi rostro!

Como una fuente

Tu le has devuelto
la tinta a mi pluma
y el papel se alegra
sintiendo las letras
engendrar nuevos poemas...
Se habia secado hace tiempo
la fuente de vida,
la seco un extranjero
que se bebio mis noches
y me dejo vacia...
Que extraño es sentir
las ideas otra vez
inundar el papel
como una fuente corriendo...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Eva y la tentacion

Dicen que Eva mordio la manzana de la tentacion
yo estoy en desacuerdo!
Pienso que Adam fue quien la tento.
No era una manzana, era un mango dulce y jugoso
que olia a tropico y le prometia noches ardientes
digo, el delicioso sabor de la fruta

... la fruta del paraiso prohibida y dulce..
que mal se la habra pasado la pobre Eva!

Como la caricia del viento

siento tu aliento sobre mi hombro
presiento tu cuerpo cerca de mi
estas aqui tan cerca y tan lejos...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hoy siento ganas

De gritarle al viento
que te amo
y que no me importa
lo que piense la gente
que se vayan al diablo
las normas y las leyes
y se mueran de celos
los odiosos retrogrados!
Pero me cubro la boca
y me callo...
Despues de todo la heroina
no es tan valiente!

Entre el cielo y El infierno

Esta la tierra
verde y ancha
la mar azul profunda
y nuestras almas
que juegan a encontrar
el camino a la felicidad
...lo encontraremos?
solo extiende la mano
y agarrala, no la sueltes...
aferrate a ella con todo tu ser...
y asciende poco a poco
hasta las nubes del placer
y dejate caer en picada
de vuelta a la tierra.
Pon tus pies en el suelo
y empieza otra vez!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mirando las nubes

se me antoja que la vida
es como ellas...
pasajera e incierta
que nos depara esa nube gris
que se acerca lentamente en la distancia?
traera la lluvia suave
que remoja la tierra
y revive la esperanza?
O sera una tormenta que arraza
con todo y nos deja en la nada?
Quizas nos traiga una nevada
que cubrira la tierra con
la nieve blanca...

bueno al fin y al cabo que importa!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Para qué?

y me pregunto en silencio
si ha valido la pena...
aún sigo con el mismo acento
los mismos miedos,
las mismas penas...
para que desgarrarnos tanto
para alcanzar los sueños,
si al final es todo
la misma mierda!

El Entremedio

Me debato entre
la vida y la muerte
y sorteo una moneda
para conocer mi suerte
cara gano
sello pierdo...
como puedo elejir
entre lo que quiero
y lo que debo...
como dejar de sentir?
quien puede
en su sano juicio
decidir entre el
oscuro y el claro
quien puede confirmar
que es mejor primavera
que verano...
porque no existe
un entremedio?
Un punto en el cual
exista el balance
de lo que amamos
y lo que debemos...
complicada humanidad
que nos hace
seres pensantes!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nieve En Mi Alma

Anoche nevo en mi alma
oscurecio temprano
y tu no estabas...
Habia un silencio tedioso
una falta de energia
un vacio profundo
No habia notado
como llenas el espacio
como alegras el dia
como se pasa el tiempo
cuando tu estas presente!
cayo la nieve en mi mente
y se enfrio mi alma
porque estabas ausente.
Esta mañana mire mi alma
y estaba blanca y fria
como la nieve.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Anoche bebí chocolate caliente
Disfruté el dulce néctar del cacao
En mis labios,
el aroma tibio y consistente
del exótico brebaje
que calienta mi alma
y le da vida a mi cuerpo
quien diria que un simple brebaje
tendria la capacidad de revivirme!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Aqui y Ahora

Aqui estas sonriendo
con tus ojos expresivos
hablando de tus sueños
esos sueños que ahora
son tambien mios...

y tus pasos se quedan
soy como el agua
que satisface tu sed
soy la miel en tus labios
que alimenta tu alma
soy el viento que
mueve tus cabellos
y refresca el calor
de tu mente...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Me gusta

Me gusta pensarte
A ratitos, jugando a pintarte
Soñarte despierta y sentirte
Cureoseando en mi mente…
Mantener tu atención sutilmente
Mientras sonríe mi alma.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Las cosas que me hacen feliz

Las Cosas que me hacen felíz
Son las cosas mas simples
que puedas imajinar
Tu sonrisa alegre
Tu mirada honesta
Tu presencia recia,
tu energía y espíritu
Tu caracter auténtico
Tu pasion inmensa
Que me contajia
Esa pasion por la vida
Que se te desborda
en los ojos
Y va inundando el espacio
Con sueños y palabras
Que pintan el aire de besos…
Gracias por hacerme felíz!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sabes que?

Sabes que? Que no me importa
Lo que pienses…
Yo soy quien soy y punto.
Naci para ser yo y no quien tu quieres que sea.
Soy libre, fuerte, firme,
Y levanto mi bandera
Sobre esta propiedad que es
Mi mente, mi cuerpo y mi alma.
Hoy yo decido quien soy, que quiero
A quien amo y a quien le entrego mi tiempo,
mis horas, mis minutos y mis segundos!
Basta ya de adular, de soportar, de pretender
Lo que no sentimos!


La vida es como el papel en el que escribo
Le agrego los tonos los colores
Las letras…escojo la palabras y lo versos
Y se va desdoblando el sentimiento…
Se va plasmando letra a letra y va llenando
Páginas enteras de sueños, garabatos,
Poesias y cantos
Y una que otra lagrima

Tengo una tarde soleada

Tengo una tarde soleada
Para regalarte
Unos sueños locos que nunca alcanze
Varias uñas rotas y un alma cansada
De llorar un sueño que nuca fue.
Tengo mil horas que aun faltan
Millones de sueños por ser
Quiero empezarlos contigo
Como la primera vez.

Como un Oasis

Tu boca sabe
a chocolate caliente
A vino tinto
que apacigua mi sed
Como el oasis a lo lejos
parece invitarme...
mi boca tiene sed
Pero igual que el oasis,
eres inalcansable!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A veces cuando te pienso

me pregunto que tal
si no te hubieras ido
si siguieras aquí
en este mundo de locos
que sería de tu vida?

serías felíz?
serías tan pícaro como entonces?
ó te habrían doblegado los años
correteando sueños de papel..

me gustaría sentarme
conversar contigo
decirte que lo siento.
hacer las paces
y decirte adiós.

El Gato y El Raton

Juegan a ratitos a las escondidas...

y es que aveces...

se me antoja regresar al pasado...
asomarme por una ventanita y mirarte reir
saber entonces lo que se ahora
y empezar de nuevo!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


si pudieras ver el sol entrar por la ventana…
mirar las hojas verdes en las ramas,
escuchar el agua cayendo en la cascada
golpeando las rocas en picada…
esta jungla de cemento
que intenta recrear la naturaleza
no es mas que un juego del hombre
que pretende competir con Dios.
Que tontos somos…!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Existiran las almas gemelas?

...será que existen las almas gemelas, que sin medir el tiempo, la distancia, o el lugar se encuentran un dia cualquiera? Y si es asi...como te enteras? será ese cosquilleo en el estómago que te perturba de pronto cada ves que te viene a la memoria su nombre? ó la chispa en sus ojos que te sobresalta cuando te mira? tal vez sea su risa que te suena a brisa fresca de mar? quizás sean los suspiros tontos, los pensamientos profundos, ó el darte cuenta de que empiezas a soñar despierta...Ya sé! es esa súbita sonrisa en tu boca cuando lo recuerdas!

existiran realmente las almas gemelas? en diferentes tiempos, en diferentes épocas? se encontraran alguna vez? y si se encuentran que harán? pretendaran que no se conocen, se cruzaran sus caminos en un roce y después desapareceran una vez más entre el mar de gente...o se reconoceran al fin?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Using Web 2.0 to Capture Criminals...Amazing!

Last week I was reading some news about a serial killer down in Panama who was killing Americans who owned properties in that country, in order to steal it. I was not satisfy with the information published on the local newspapers, so I researched and found a website: A writer from website uncovered the whole plot and he went to the Panamanian authorities to get their attention on the case. Due to his efforts, two bodies were found. After it was determined who the suspects were, the writer published many photos and information in the website that helped in the efforts to capture the suspects when they were trying to cross the frontier between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. I was amazed how effective the use of a website turned out to be in this type of circumstances. Kudos to the writer and to the website for their efforts!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Technology in the 21st century!

Who would have had think that I would be missing that class! Well, now I have to look forward. What other tools are available for me to learn? What new technology will be available from now to months, years and centuries? I mean, collaborative tools, that make communication easier and faster. I should experiment and create another blog. I suppose this one is boring, because is about a class, and only I care for coming in here. I need to brainstorm and decide what issues are interesting for my intended audience. This has been an enlightening experience and I look forward to continue writting a blog. I wish I could have more freedom and knowledge to design my own Blog,but It seems there are too many limitations. Althought the available tools are helpful they are very limiting.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

MMC 540

Voila! here we are at the end of the MMC 540 class. We learned about many options the web 2.0 technologies have available for collaboration work. We studied the Groundswell, we did wiki, we learn to blog, and the must fun of all, we worked with photo story!

I had ups and downs in this class, and there were moments when I wanted to throw my computer in the street. But I kept trying and finding alternatives to get the projects done. If anything, it helped me to develop my problem solving skills and my patience.

This class was great! I enjoyed very much the learning and I am glad now I have a blog. I plan to continue writing in here, but I will make sure I keep my privacy settings under control. I still don't trust public sites because of privacy issues. But that should not keeping me from doing something I just find out I like, right?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tools, Tools, Tools!

“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” Bill Gates

I agree this is not the most creative title I could think of, but it works. When it comes to evaluate the Web 2.0 tools I have a mix of feelings. In one hand I truly enjoyed learning to put a blog together, but in the other I did run into some technical issues. My first blog seemed so easy that I wondered how come I never tried before. That was until I tried to re-entered my blog and found out that I could not access it because I probably did something wrong during the creation process (yes, that is why was so easy and so fast!) So I let that one hanging there somewhere in cyberspace and started another blog. I was more successful in the process of creating my second blog; However, I don’t think it can be a popular blog. The content is limited and more a reflection writing style that a reader oriented page. I suppose as I practice I could learn more ways to make my blog interesting and appealing.
The second tool we learned to use in this class was the wikis. The wikis it is a tool that help people to interact in “real time” and it works good for group collaboration. I liked, especially the way it helped us to put our team project together. I had used a different tool called Google document in a previous class. Google Document allows you to do corrections and update the document but it works different that the wikis. One thing I liked about wikis was the way our leader color coded our names to indicate where our part of the document needed to be.
Finally, we also used the Blackboard chat room. This tool has taught me a lesson. I was unable to access it from the Bellevue Library because of the security system. That was very surprising to me. I thought that a product that is part of the Blackboard system will be easily access from a location that supports Blackboard. After talking on the phone with the tech I learned that because Java is a third party sometimes the security of the library system does not allow the downloading. I must also mention that I am not computer wise and I don’t have the latest gadgets, or the fastest connection, and newest program. All those details played an important role in how effective the tools are. In other words, I think the collaboration tools are efficient to support collaborative work, but their effectiveness varies, depending of the level of knowledge, the quality of the equipment, the speed of the server and how modern your programs are.
After reflecting on this I had made the decision of holding on in my next online class until I can afford a Laptop with a newer program than my computer. That way I can go to places that have Wi-Fi to get my work down rather than depend on the library or on my home computer!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Web 2.0 ups and downs!

Well I have made it to week 7 on this class. It is interesting and fun and I am really enjoying the learning. That was until last night when I have to meet on the chat room with my classmates and I could not download the Java Bridge. It was an embarrassing experience, but I guess it is another way to learn. Any way, the team meeting was successful and my team members posted the information to keep me on track. I am worry about the wiki project so I better try to learn how to use that before next week. I'll keep you posted!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Growing As A Family: A Big Challenge!

My work place is related to education. Before I worked in there, I was a student at the same place. It used to be a small University where everybody knew everybody. Kind of a family type of enviroment.

Few years ago the place went under major changes. Their online programs started to attract not only students but also corporations. In a way, this is a good thing, because business is flourishing. The place have efficient and knowledgeable people, which helpes to make the transition smoother.

However, there is one area that worries me. Because of its continues growing,the place is leaning toward a "corporation" type of enviroment. Will that special "family" environment will be lost with the growing?

I know that my work place is constantly trying to improve by listening, researching and innovating the way they do business, but I feel they should focus in this particular topic:
is there a possibility to have the best of both worlds, the family environment and the growth at the same time? It is possible to use the P.O.S.T. system, and give people what they need? This is a big challenge because in today's business world you are either a big corporation or a small business. Yet my employer is an innovator and have tackle bigger challenges before.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Getting Acquainted with technology

Welcome to the Technology of the 21st Century! I was so excited about this class I hardly could wait to start! This is because I am not very acquainted with Technology. The first week of this class was interesting and we started with a relatively fun project. The class had to set a personal Blog in the web and then submit the URL address into the online classroom. I was very excited about learning and went and set up a fine looking account…

Well, I am learning a lot about Blogging lately. For example, you can set an account the wrong way and you will not be able to log back in! This is my second attempt to set a Blog account, and I really hope it works this time. I love my privacy and I am worry about living my tracks all over the internet, but this is fun to learn.

I look forward to interact with other 21st century learners and share experiences, exchange ideas and concerns, and move forward into the new technology. Happy learning everyone!

Our Stories

 We are build up of little stories, experiences that all together craft and make sense of our lives. Like a fragile spiderweb, we work on it...