Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Using Web 2.0 to Capture Criminals...Amazing!

Last week I was reading some news about a serial killer down in Panama who was killing Americans who owned properties in that country, in order to steal it. I was not satisfy with the information published on the local newspapers, so I researched and found a website: A writer from website uncovered the whole plot and he went to the Panamanian authorities to get their attention on the case. Due to his efforts, two bodies were found. After it was determined who the suspects were, the writer published many photos and information in the website that helped in the efforts to capture the suspects when they were trying to cross the frontier between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. I was amazed how effective the use of a website turned out to be in this type of circumstances. Kudos to the writer and to the website for their efforts!

Our Stories

 We are build up of little stories, experiences that all together craft and make sense of our lives. Like a fragile spiderweb, we work on it...