Monday, January 24, 2011

Una Vez Mas

Siento ganas de ti
de beberte una mañana
como quien bebe un cafe
para renovarse el alma
me corre en el cuerpo ganas
de sentirte como el sol
cuando calienta mi cara...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pero si eres el agua del rio

entonces quiero sumergirme
en tu corriente
bajar a las profundidades
de tu cuerpo
y respirar lentamente
para ahogar mis pulmones
con tu vida!

Te miro en la distancia

y me pareces ahora tan lejano
como los copos de nieve
que se deshacen en mi mano
o el agua de un rio
que se escapa en la corriente
y aunque se que existes
que respiras y vives
en este mismo planeta
pareces que no existieras!

Monday, January 10, 2011

An Insight of Four Weeks of Ethics

The battle between right and wrong seems to be a simple matter of black and white. No room for grays. However, as we move into our fifth week of classes we are learning that when comes to ethics there are many shades of grays that influences the process of decision making. According to Jones and Ferrill every culture, country, religion, and profession have their own guidelines about what is considered acceptable or unacceptable. This characteristic, they said, makes the teaching of ethics a difficult task. They suggest that “The Seven Layers of Integrity” is an effective tool to teach ethics. They based their argument in the fact that the Law is the one layer of integrity where is not room for ambiguity. The Law is a clear and anyone who shares The Land is under The Law.
In my opinion “The Seven Layers of Integrity” is an interesting approach to the teaching of ethics. I question however,the total absenteeism of the great Greeks whose thinking helped to shape the notions of right and wrong. I suppose that it could be argued that the Greeks did not have to deal with corrupt corporations and online leaks, and that today's generations are different; therefore we need to create new ways that work for them. That is a valid argument.
Certainly today's generation have in their hands a heavy load of mistrust, broken dreams, back stabbing, shameless behaviors…all great elements for a successful soap opera: The Enron Scandal, the Tobacco companies and their manipulation of the truth as we saw it in “The Insider”, The Wiki Leaks, the crisis of the house market caused by predatory lending, the credit card crisis...should I continue? I may run out of paper!
The issue that I find interesting, scary, and shocking is the one found in chapter 12 of “The Seven Layers of Integrity” regarding the use of electronic communication. I guess as we go deeper into discussions I realize that the danger of electronic communication is a real threat. In fact, the awareness of this danger is helping me to re-evaluate my thoughts about this type of communication. I think this is actually positive because is stimulating my awareness. I also find interesting the exchange of ideas in the discussion board, it is enlighten and challenging at the same time.

Our Stories

 We are build up of little stories, experiences that all together craft and make sense of our lives. Like a fragile spiderweb, we work on it...