Friday, March 9, 2018


Te conversa en la distancia
de lugares lejanos que nunca has conocido
ni conoceras...
de lugares familiares
que ahora extrañas...
te trae vientos de cambios
y olores a pescado frito
y arroz con coco,
y platano a la tentacion...
te trae sonidos conocidos
los cantos de los diablos
en noches de carnaval
y las danzas en las calles
las comparsas, y la risa
de los chiquillos jugando
a la lleva, la late o al escondite...

El mar poderoso y calmado
infinito imperecedero y profundo
te trae tantos recuerdos
de palmeras, y noches estrelladas,
y muscia de acordeon
y jente bella.

El mar.

The Road to the Calvary

The road to the Calvary was long. Full in dust and rocks, with a line of people from beginning to end. People curious to see what was the big deal. People angry at the life they had, they actually rejoiced to see someone in more misery than their own. Some people were there because they actually cared, like Veronica, and a few good women who cried for the Christ. And then there was his mother, and his favorite friend, supporting him all the way...

The road of the Calvary was walked by the soldiers, men of hate and war, ready to hit and spit and yell, like many haters these was a twisted road with ups and downs, that caused the first fall and the second and the know, like when we fall and stand again and try, and fall see, our Christ knows it all, for he walked that road once...and he fall in that road as well. Is just that He was sinless, unlike us. Thus when we walk that road, lets remember that the Christ walked it once for us, and when we fall in that road, lets stand back up and try again.

Our Stories

 We are build up of little stories, experiences that all together craft and make sense of our lives. Like a fragile spiderweb, we work on it...