Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Lady Without a Memory

The lady with gray hair
Seats in front of me
In a humble table
We eat our ice cream
While her beautiful
Blue eyes scans
This place for familiar
There are none
Except me...
For a strange reason
Beyond my comprehension
She remembers who I am.
She likes to seat here
And do people watching...
Perhaps she looks for a link
Some clue of who she is
Or where she comes from...
She smiles at me grateful
For this friendship that allows her to hang up unto some
Memories....even if so small
At times I see on her eyes
A bit of dissapointment
When she looks at people
And they don't look back
Perhaps - she thinks - they have forgotten me...

Thursday, June 27, 2019

What Do You Love?

Do you love the birds
In a sunny day
Singing in a branch
While butterflies wonder
Over the flowers in your garden?
Or the waves kissing the sand
In a remote island...
Or you prefer the top of a mountain or a lake in a valley?
What about a river hidding in the woods or a cascade falling from the rock?
Do you love the smell of the grass
After a storm
Or the rain on your face
Or your feet jumping in a pond
What do you love?
Do you love it all?

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Si Fueras Tu

El elejido
El que me llevara
De la mano por la vida
Y Caminara a mi lado
En lo bueno y en lo malo
Mi complice
Mi amigo
Mi lider
Mi maestro...
Si fueras tu...
Pero lo dudo...

Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Closet

The closet is this quiet
Inside place within me
Where I hide sometimes
When I dont want to seek...
I hide there in the sad days
When nothing seems to go well
Or in those days in which
I don't feel good about myself
it is dark and lonely there
But comforting in a wierd way
Like the womb of a mother
A quiet loving place!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Ya esta!

Te conoci alguna vez
Ahora ya no se
Ni quien eres
Ni que quieres
Ni a donde vas
Ni de donde vienes...
No te entiendo
Ni me gustas
Ni te quiero
Te perdono
Pero ya esta...

Monday, June 3, 2019


Perdon. Me he equivocado.
No eras tu.
Espejismo barato.
Me retracto
y me retiro
Agradecida al viento
que murmuro
en mi oido
Un poco tarde
pero algo a tiempo
Y me suspendio
en el aire
Para amortiguar el golpe...
Disculpame vida
por ser tan torpe!

Our Stories

 We are build up of little stories, experiences that all together craft and make sense of our lives. Like a fragile spiderweb, we work on it...