Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My New Year Wish

A new something
starts now...
A new story
A new begining
And I wish
With all my heart
That you were here
To start
That new begining
With you
To feel you
Heart to heart
Warming my bed
Heating my soul
I wish that this new year
You were here
My love...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


I die in my sleep tonight
Consider this my hug of goodbye
If I am angry or sad
Just know it is not your fault
It is me who feels unworthy
And that is just that.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Here is my business card:
I Am A. Loser, MA
Nobody Business
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
USA 00000

You judge

And I keep silent
How can you judge
The one that love you
How dare you blame
And hurt and ignore
And make fun
And act with disdain
And look down to
The one person that
Would give her life for you!
How dare you!

The tears

They are clear
As the soul
That drains away
The pain...
They are warm
As the heart
That suffers alone
In the night
They are salty
As the ocean
Where they
Eventually land
My tears are mine
To enjoy and cry
No matter why
That is only for me
to know and no one else!

Dressing up

I am taking out this old dress
That I carried on for so many years
I waited for you day after day
But you did not return the love after all
So I am dressing up with a new skin
Painting my lips with a new kiss
And hitting the road for another trip
In search for the love of he who has wait
I loved you for so many years
Undeserved feelings I hold in my heart
For the one and only one that I should have never loved
The wedding ring down the toilette
With all my feelings as well...
I am dressing up with a new skin
And hitting the door for a road trip!

Lets not pretend

Tonight I am sad
To see what we
have become
You the exact image
Of an older you
Me the exact image
Of an older me
I am sad for your
lack of love
And for my own

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The lights...

The lights of the car
Are shining the night
And I stand in here just
Waiting for something
To shine some light
In my life....

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Me Duelen

Las ausencias
Debajo del palo
de mango
Los pies descalzos
Sobre la calle empedrada
Me duelen
Las memorias del maranon
Y el caimito
Cabalgando por el caminito
Que lleva hasta el fondo
Del rio
Me duelen los cheleles
Para la torta con huevo
La sandia y las guanabas
O el jugo de tamarindo
Me duele el ruido y la bulla
Que al final son lo mismo
Y no te dejan dormir
Con el endemoniado calor
Y el zumbar de los mosquitos
Me duele el amor que queda
Cuando los otros se han ido
Pero sobre todo me duele
El no tenerte conmigo
Y es que aunque a veces queramos
No nos alcanza la vida
Para trepar las murallas
O para cruzar el olvido.
Espero nunca te olvides
Que aunque no estes a mi lado
Siempre te llevo conmigo.
(a mi madre)

Saturday, December 7, 2019


Listen to the silence
That speaks about the goodbye
That we never said...
Listen to the footsteps
That sneak into our souls
And scare the heck of us!
Just listen my dear
To that inner voice in your ear
That warns us
About right and wrong.
That is the voice of God.

A little Atom

We started in a point
Like a little idea
Long time ago...
We danced together
In the cosmos
Particles of a whole
Littly tiny particles
Of something undefined
And then
Out of love
We became love!

Our Stories

 We are build up of little stories, experiences that all together craft and make sense of our lives. Like a fragile spiderweb, we work on it...