Monday, December 31, 2018

New year pledge

I pledge to love myself more this trust that God knows better what I purge my life from things I do not need...

I pledge to do whatever is in my power to love better those who deserve my love. To laugh and play and be happy rather than involve in self petty and sadness...

I pledge to be free from anger, envy, jealousy, resentment, and all negativity that is unproductive.

I pledge to stand for what is right and fight against what is wrong. I pledge to give more and take less. To try to understand and forgive...but never forget. When we forget we repeat our mistakes.  I pledge to learn from my mistakes and to grow from them.

Over anything else I pledge to love my God over anyone and everthing. Thank you God for Your love that is the very reason of our existence.

The cardinal

There is a cardinal that visits my garden once in a while. He has a crimson red coat of feathers and a beautiful crown over his head...he grooms himself with pride so the chicks can recreate their eyes in his beauty. He is so full of himself...and he sings with the loudest most beautiful voice in the garden. I love to watch him at the top of the tree, singing his butts off like the world existance depends on it. He is the most gorgeous bird in the entire garden. No even the Blue Jays can match him. Happy new year little fella. Wake up early tomorrow and go get the warms...

The thruth and the Snow

The thruth is white
Like the fresh snow
That comes down from heaven
And as the liar manipulates it
It becomes brownish and dirty
Like the snow
After it mixes with the salt and the mud and the steps of people and animal's excrement...
And neither can go back to be the way they were...

Sunday, December 30, 2018

And by the way

Did I say that I love you? No? Oh well. There you have it! Now you know.  Or do you? Hell no. You have no idea. Cause guess what? You have no clue what real love is. Or do you? I did no think so.


Ahogarte en mi bebida
Y olvidar que alguna vez te conoci...quisiera borrar de mi memoria tu rostro y no pensarte
Nunca mas. Quisiera despertar manana y ser otra persona que no te recuerda. Sufrir de ammesia repentina...seria tan feliz!


To the music...the sensous rythm...the words wrotten by an excentric brings so many memories...of family reunions...special times with friends from long ago...long weekends at the beach...dancing in the streets on carnival season...flirting with the neighborhood kids...and laughing with the girls about those same kids...ah! Those were the good times....that is why I listen to the music.

Deja Vu

Another year goes by...
Do I need
 to say anything else?
Nah. Just put one feet in front of the other. Keep going. New streets. New faces and yet, same old same. Nothing new under the sun...or is it?

Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Face of Endurance

Your face talks to me about your broken dreams. It is strong and manly, and yet I can see some sadness when you smile. the exposure to the weather, to stress, to life, to lacks, and desperation are leaving their marks on you. Not only on your skin, but specially in your spirit. You have endure so much, the lack of humanity, of emphaty, of love; the coldest nights and the lonely roads; the misunderstandings; the self petty, the guiltiness and the blamings...your face holds a strange beauty, the product of your pain and sadness, and your truth and lies.

Friday, December 28, 2018

The Wound

The warrior at the top of the mountain got wounded. She licked the blood from her wound...she drinked potions to get herself well...with herbs and plants she eventually healed.  Then she went back to her own self. She is seatting now on the top of her mountain. She keeps a watch, like an Eagle. She is sharpening her weapons. Now she is ready to battle. She stands up. Her wound is now just an ugly scar. She smiles because that  Ugly scar makes her stronger. It reminds her of that time she almost die. She embraces her scar. It is part of her now. And in matter of fact, it is a beautiful ugly scar.

The Time

It goes by so fast when we are happy and so slow when we are drags like a snake to torture us with it"s hiss. Tic tac tic synchronizes that sound with the beat of our hearts...tic tac tic goes slow when the winter is here...the one of the soul tic tac tic tac...and it goes by fast when spring brings its life and love blossom in our garden...tic tac tic tac...time is finite...once is gone is gone...cannot catch it in a bottle...cannot put a hold on it...tic tact tic is here, now is gone...sorry, too late. No coming back, time only move forward. Tic tac tic tac.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Walk

The walk is long. For some is shorter. Sometimes is harder. But for others is easier. We are walkers who wonder...we walk together. Sometimes we are alone...sometimes we join someone. We talk to each other, we share our dreams, our thoughts, our hopes...sometimes we listen, sometimes we don't...sometimes we care and sometimes we don't...but we should care. Somehow we should.
You see, life is too short, the sun heats up, the winter is cold, spring and fall go by to soon, and it is with our friends where we found the joy, the love and support to keep walking.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


You told me so many times
Life is too short to waste it
In people that ain't worthed...
You had the wisdom that I lack
Beautiful soul that loved so deeply
Who lived life intensively
And gave so much without asking
Anything in return...
Sis...I miss you. I wish I could walk to your desk once again
And ask for your wisdom.
Your friendship meant so much to me. It was an honor to be your friend..thank you.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Special Day

It was a day
Like any other
Nothing unusual.
July 30th. 10:10 p.m
Parallel lifes
Crossing each other
In an unusual way.
It has been 5 months
But we all know
Parallel lines
Are just that: parallel.

Thank You!

For awaking on me
My ability to write
To put the tears in the paper
In organized thoughts...
Thank you for helping me
Build better walls
Where sadness and pain
Are not welcomed...
I am rebuilding now
A place of safety...
But thank  you thought...
For awaking the poet on me
That was long death...
The poet really thank you.

Monday, December 24, 2018

For You and For me

This night is a special one
For us, people of little faith...
Lets give thanks to
The Holy one
Who born in Bethlehem
On Christmas night
Come with your heart free from hate
Empty yourself of all that pain
Bow your head for the little one
Who bore on the cross your sins and mine...
Come feel true love my dearest friend, not from the world
But from the little babe
Who came to save us
From our pain. Dont shy away
Dont feel left out, there is room for you in His heart,
All that it takes is for you to pray.
Get in your knees and say: Jesus enter my heart. God bless!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Me gusta

Mirar a la gente feliz a mi alrededor...
Me hace feliz tambien...
Cada uno con sus propios suenos
Sus ilusiones...y cada quien con sus amores...
Perhaps su felicidad es contajiosa...

This is so no right

So much that sometimes it hurts...
But who cares right...?
Is the game of the mouse, the cat, and the dog...
Me being the mouse...
Guess what? The mouse
For being little is faster
Hides better and perhaps
It is the smarter one...
Maybe equiped with better survirvor skills...?!
Don't mind. It is not about you
This time it is about me. I still care though...but
I need to care more about me.

Ha! I lost my post! New style of poetry...just for you.p

Why is it...

That I am in a place of fun
And all I do
Is thinking of you?
So many people around
So much fun and yet
The world is empty...
Because...just because...why cannot i look at someone else
And Is not the same...
That is not me... And that is not you.

Parallel lifes

We crossed paths once
Seems like long time ago
I thank you my teacher
For the lessons I learned
Thank you for lending me
A hand and for making me
Smile. I thank you also
For making me cry, for now
I know I am alive.

Thank you too for revolting
My soul, for shaking my world
And put me to think...

And more than anything
Thank you for helping
 me to find me.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

And the World goes On

While baby Jesus
Born once again
The world goes on
Such beautiful night
And all we think is
Material things...
How much I own
How much I am worth
And people shop
They eat and drink
But no love in this
World of stone...

So the night is cold
And the star is bright
And the Angel sing
For the King is born...
While the world goes on.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Another time

we should have met
In another time and
Another place...
I would have seen
Your smile and my heart
Would have sank
I would have giggled
Trying to stare at your
Beautiful eyes...
I would have felt
Butterflies on my tummy
And i would have shy out
My face red like a tomatoe...
You would have smile
Feeling flattered
That a silly teen
Flirtered with you...
Then my bus would
Start moving again
And you would ask me
With a gesture to come
Out of the bus
And say hi.
Too late now.
The bus drove away
And I am gone...
Maybe in another time
Maybe in another place.
This time we missed
Each other again.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Ray of Sun

The ray of sun hits my window, brightening the room and giving me a misleading feeling of nice weather. In reality it is a cold winter afternoon. The wind is shacking the dry leaves out of the trees and there is a distinctive smell in the air: a storm is coming.  I look through the window. The sky is clear and no sight of a cloud. Yet I know. It is coming. I am expecting it. It should arrive anytime now. I smile because deep down I like storms. They are interesting. Each one have its own pattern. I like to hear the wind outside breaking the quietness of the trees, causing things to move around...

It really is a beautiful afternoon, if only through the window glass. I am sure that anyone walking out there will disagree with me. They are entitle to that and I am equally entitled to my own opinion.

I take a deep breath and imagine for a moment a nice summer day in the beach. seating under a palm tree, feeling the warm sand under my feet. If I close my eyes I can perceive the ocean breeze caressing my skin. The sunshine hits my skin intensifying the dark tone of my Latino heritage. I can taste the salt of the ocean in the warm air. I taste it in my throat, as I swallow the exquisite fresh coconut water...I open my eyes from my magical dream and is now dark, the ray of sun no longer there. The wind has stop but the cold remains. I walk outside and the cold hits my tan face, with the same intensity that the ocean's wind. I  walk into the dark, wishing for warmer days.

The end...or is it?

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The storm Inside

The storm inside is like the calm before a hurricane...
Is quiet, like an evening under a palm tree,
in front of the sea...

Is like that soft breeze in the ocean that move
the waves back and forth
and increases as the hours pass by...

It is like the quietness of an evening before a tornado hit,
when the sky gets almost green, and you can hear
the sound of the wind...

The storm inside is so quiet,
you can hear it like
 the sound of your own heart
or the breathing of your lungs
or your blood pumping
through your veins...

Is so quiet
is and earthquake
that move the earth beneath your feet
so you breath deep and remain quiet
and that child
on the closet, hiding from

Monday, December 17, 2018

The Trick

Said the snake to the apple: let's tempt the women. The apple smiled and said: ok.
The woman fall for the trick
And invited the man.
The man fall for the woman
So snake, apple, woman and man
Were all throw out of the garden...

The name

You called me coward
For no answering you...
I called it wisdom...
You see, I know you:
The name is bully
And envy and anger
Indolence and lack of love...
You live in the street
Of deceiving
Across the neighborhood
Of lies and pain...
You see, I know your face
And I know your name
...but I chose my fights.
I stand for the poor
And the lonely and the hurt
The hungry and the sad.
Anything else
Is not worthed my time.
But dont  forget
That I know your name
The same way
that you know mine!

When I look away

I still care.
Even if I don't talk
I still care.
Even when I laugh
And I seem to forget
I still care.
And when I dance
And when I dream
And when I drink
To drawn the pain
I still care.
Perhaps is because I care
That I seem not to care.
Does that makes sense?
Of course not...
But who cares anyway.
Right? Right!

Another friend

Is gone...
A star had lost its light
A flower lost its petals
A voice is silent...
She is no more
A loving mother
To her children...
Her soul is gone
To her Creator.
Perhaps now
She find the peace
Of true love
In the arms of Him
Who love us all...


We used to talk
Back in the time
About love, freedom,
And the pursue
Of happines.
Remember those days?
We used to think
We were invincible...
And we sang songs
Of liberty and we stood up
For what was right
You were here
And I was there
Do you remember
The first kiss that was
Given with honest love?
Or the first argument
That we gave to defend
Our point?
I remember fighting
Against unjustice
Speaking my mind
For what was right
So...what went wrong?

Can You Imagine?

A world without war
Where the wolfs and
The Eagles hang around
And the men and the snakes
Get along...
Can you imagine?
A world without pollution
Where trees grow
Freely...and there exist
Space for every creature
Under the stars...
Can you imagine that?

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Balancing the Act

For each one of you
Uncaring and unloving
There are 10 that care
And love...
For every Hittler
There is an Ann Frank
For every Judas
There is a Peter
For every prodigal son
There is a loving father
Waiting for that son to return.

Walking toward you

Every step we take
Bring us a bit closer to you
Every tear we shed
Bring us a little near to you
Every smile we share
Lead us a bit closer to you...
You are the ultimate goal
Even when we get lost
On our way.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

A friend told me

"A good drink...
A good friend...
And a good conversation...
That is all we need
To be happy...


If you knew...

 how much I love you...
If you could measure
The weight of the love
I feel for you...or package
It in a bottle and sale it
You would be a millionaire!

Ah! The irony. Cause you dont know. Do you?

Thursday, December 13, 2018

De Repente

The recuerdo
Y me haces falta...
Y quisiera pretender
Que estas aqui
Y me sonries
Como aquel dia
Y se me olvida
Que era mentira
Que me querias...
Que corta memoria
Tenemos los seres humanos

Dear friend

I heard about you in the news today. I felt sad for you. I never knew. We put these masks every day, like everything is ok. We don’t talk about it, we just smile and say everything is well. We lie, you know?

I am sorry for your pain. The sadness that you must hold on your heart. To be hurt by the one you love. The one that give you the first flower, the one that put joy in your heart with that first kiss of the youth, when you believe in a bed of roses and the charming prince. Girl, that prince does not exist.

I know you thought he could change. Nobody changes, unless they make a huge effort. But we cannot change anyone. We barely can change ourselves. I know you wanted a dad for your kids. That bind so many into a bad relationship. To keep the appearances. To keep the family together…oh girl, those kids you wanted to protect were there today, they went through the worse pain I child can see…they have been there every time he put his hands on you…they have seen your face with black spots, they probably heard the yelling’s, the name callings…they probably lived in fear everyday…

Sometimes is better to walk away. To swallow your pride and look for help. To take the mask out and say I am not ok, things are not well. I live in fear. I am in pain. Look for a helpful hand. Take your kids and run away. I wish you have done that, but you did not. So we are all praying for you, we hope you make it through.

The Flower

There is a flower in the garden

It is tender, and soft

And stands up to the cold

the wind and the rain, the sun,

the heath, the storm…

its name is love…
and it is so fragile

like life itself.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


It is cold in here...
It is the weather?
Or it is my soul?

The tree in my garden

The tree in my garden

The tree on my garden is gone.

It was cut by a lumberjack

He looked at it and though:

It must go!

I was distracted, like a bug

With the light of the fire

The cracking sound of the wood

And the heat that warmed up

the winter night in November….

We distract ourselves like that


And we don’t see

The danger stranger

Because we don’t want

To see it…

We distract ourselves with laughs

To pretend we are safe…

The tree on my garden is now gone

And yet its roots may still there

Maybe next Spring

It will rise again,

Against all odds

And will defy the hand that cut it off

And the distracted eyes

That did not stop it from happening.

Perhaps I am all three,

The lumberjack, the tree, and the eyes

That did not see.

The Circle

And then Love is also...

 the gesture in your eyes

When you want to laugh

But stop yourself on your tracks

No to offend anyone you care for…

It is the smile on your lips

When you are talking about your dreams

Or the cuts in your fingers

Due to the cold winter,

No the one in the world

But the one inside you…

It is the curve on your shoulders

Bruised by carrying that daily cross

A cross made of  broken dreams,

lack of forgiveness, anger,

 Hunger for humanity,

 thirst for care and tenderness

 broken hopes that reminds you

How small the human heart can be


And you keep loving despite

The lack of food in your plate

Or a roof over your head

Or a coat to protect you

Or company to make you laugh

Or a bed to rest your pain…

Love is the strength with which

You hold your tears

when lacking

 a hand to hold,

a soul to share with

a love to love you back
and yet you disregard
the same in others...
perhaps because
you never learned to give
the same way yo never
learned to receive?
and the cycle goes on:
giving, in the hope  of receiving;
when love should be free
should exist just because it is...

An at the end we all continue walking

In the never ending circle

of ice, chasing our tails

for an almost utopic dream.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

So you asked...

Is love real?
I think the answer
Is whithin yourself...

And then again
When pondering
About love we must
Look into the greatest
Expression of love:
Jesus dying in the cross
For us...
Can we love the way
He loves us? Nope
But is love real?
Yes. It is. He love us.
He is love. Therefore
Love is real.

Monday, December 10, 2018


Sometimes you cross the path
With true Angels...
The ones that pick you from the floor
And help you stand up
And clean the dust from your knees
And let you cry in their shoulders
And pray with you
For you. They were by my side tonight. Sometimes they disguise
Themselves as friends. But I know better.

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Is not yesterday
And not yet tomorrow
Today is just today.
And yet we are here
Because yesterday
And today will lead us
Unavoidable to

Tomorrow is the sum
Of yesterday and today.

So what are we doing today
To build our tomorrow?
Are we just letting the Mary-go-round take charge? Or are we
Grabbing life by the hair
And taking charge...?
Or are we just waiting to exhale?
Whatevee we are doing today
Will have an effect in our tomorrow.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Your love

Like a drop of water in the desert
For the thirsty peregrine...that is your love...

Like a distant star in the sky unable to heat the earth
Despite it brightness…that is your love...

Like a tender flower in the snow
Which will not survive nor will turn winter into spring...that is your love...

And yet the peregrine will rejoice for a second in the sweet taste of the liquid...the star will still bring joy to someone's the flower will adorn the cold garden even if for a short spam of time. After all love is life. Even an ego centered love like yours.

Our Stories

 We are build up of little stories, experiences that all together craft and make sense of our lives. Like a fragile spiderweb, we work on it...