Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Ray of Sun

The ray of sun hits my window, brightening the room and giving me a misleading feeling of nice weather. In reality it is a cold winter afternoon. The wind is shacking the dry leaves out of the trees and there is a distinctive smell in the air: a storm is coming.  I look through the window. The sky is clear and no sight of a cloud. Yet I know. It is coming. I am expecting it. It should arrive anytime now. I smile because deep down I like storms. They are interesting. Each one have its own pattern. I like to hear the wind outside breaking the quietness of the trees, causing things to move around...

It really is a beautiful afternoon, if only through the window glass. I am sure that anyone walking out there will disagree with me. They are entitle to that and I am equally entitled to my own opinion.

I take a deep breath and imagine for a moment a nice summer day in the beach. seating under a palm tree, feeling the warm sand under my feet. If I close my eyes I can perceive the ocean breeze caressing my skin. The sunshine hits my skin intensifying the dark tone of my Latino heritage. I can taste the salt of the ocean in the warm air. I taste it in my throat, as I swallow the exquisite fresh coconut water...I open my eyes from my magical dream and is now dark, the ray of sun no longer there. The wind has stop but the cold remains. I walk outside and the cold hits my tan face, with the same intensity that the ocean's wind. I  walk into the dark, wishing for warmer days.

The end...or is it?

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